It’s going to be a BIG weekend in Atlanta, y’all. The Final Four comes to town. The Dome is gonna be rocking and rolling, traffic is going to be amazing(ly awful) and car flags are going to be flying. Personally, I’m not going anywhere near that mess. I’ll be happily watching from my couch, without a true stake in any game. Didn’t fill out a bracket this year.
So -- this is my FINAL FOUR. The last four posts in my
Not-So-Foolish 40. And I was thinking we could play a little game. Of the four teams remaining in the men’s NCAA Championship, each one of the mascots could be matched up to an item below. Who is gonna be the first person to match them up correctly?! In case you need them, I've thrown in some hints below. Aaaand ... go!
4. Food -- The other day,
I mentioned that burgers are probably my favorite food. Loving cheeseburgers probably doesn't qualify me to be a foodie, but I sure do appreciate a chef's skills. And I'm trying to be better about trying new things. Exhibit A: Brussels sprouts. For years I avoided them, and now I can't cook them enough. They will be on my plate for dinner. (That's the second time this week that I've eaten some, in case you were counting.) And as I type this, I am hungry like the wolf.
3. C-L-E-M-S-O-N ... T-I-G-E-R-S! -- (I can feel all my Jacket, Dawg, War Eagle, Hokie, Duke, etc. friends out there rolling their eyes.) Yes, my blood runs orange. I have already started brainwashing my child. But I know that hands-down one of the best decisions I have ever made, and will ever make, was to go to Clemson. Waaay too many memories, amazing friendships and life lessons learned. I know my fellow Tigers understand. There's just something in these hills.
Clemson vs. GA Tech, 2011. Such a fun tailgate! My amazing friends hosted a shower for Matt and I at the game. And the Tigers won, of course. |
2. Mom -- I would seriously be the worst daughter ever if I didn't mention my amazing, wonderful, supportive, caring, and strong mother. I always knew she was cool. Then I grew up and become a mother. And then I realized that she is THE COOLEST. Beyond the coolest -- the woman is practically a saint. Her patience could easily rival that of the pope. I know I'm going to continue to learn more from her, and if I play my cards right with our kids, I'll have as good as a relationship with them as the one that we have. I know I didn't truly appreciate everything that she did for me and our family while I was growing up, but boy do I recognize what she did now. Thank you isn't enough. But I hope it's a start.
No resemblance there, huh? |
1. Sweet, sweet Sloan -- Welp, I know that no one is shocked that my daughter has come in at No. 1. I am beyond a fool for her. We are ridiculously thankful for the gift that God has given us. I will not tell you about how perfect, wonderful, beautiful, charming and charismatic she is. Oh, whoops. And I know we're going to have (many) moments of frustration and arguments along the way. But I can already tell you that they will be worth it, based on the sheer joy that she's already brought to our lives.
#blessed |
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